My Hobbies and Experiences

My Hobbies & Experiences
Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia (2016)
Visiting the floating village on Tonle Sap Lake outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia. The villagers here move with the lake as the seasons change. Osmose, a non profit organization, leads tours to this area and also teachers the villagers live sustainability and responsibly off the lake. Any profit from tours is used to give back to the community (ex. floating gardens, house-repairs, language and cooking programs).
Seed to Plate
With the great weather in Southern California and a yard at my disposal, I wanted to try growing my own vegetables. I built a planterthat turned out to be 8ft long. My very tall boyfriend could actually lay down in it — a total coincidence.
The garden has produced cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, kale, watermelon, peppers, eggplant, broccoli and other goodies. The worm composting box also helps with reducing kitchen waste. It’s been a very rewarding hobby thus far(except when the mites attack but I guess they have to eat too).
Kitchen Experiments
Successful experiments featured. Although, sometimes not too successful experiments also occur. Thank you to my boyfriend who always eats whatever I cook.
Making Jewelry
My jewelry experiments began when my car was broken into. The passenger glass window was shattered all over the floor. It was not a pleasant experience but the glass had turned a beautiful turquoise blue. I decided to make jewelry out of it. I also really enjoy using hardware materials to make necklaces, especially hex nuts (hence the name Nutz and Boltz).
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